Thank You Readers!

When I started writing, I thought no one will read my posts no one will appreciate my hardwork, then there 
were times that I wanted to quit, I wrote two reviews with no views at all as in zero for one week, I was worried and thinking , then I realized that the reason why I'm writing is because I want what I'm doing, it is my way to express myself and my opinion to one product or situation or services. Then I continued writing and saw 10 views on different posts, I was so happy and inspired, it cheered me up. That's why until now yours truly is still writing quality reviews. So at this point of time I would like to thank God for giving me wisdom, my readers who inspires me and my partner who keeps on supporting me in everything I do, to my sponsors who sent out some products so I will have another to write, I want to express my sweet thanks. May God Bless you all :)

Your messages and comments are Highly appreciated! 

Your comments or suggestions are pretty much welcome, I am so open with criticism but please no foul words or below the belt comments or some malicious action. I'm writing to inspire and guide people not to have a fight. Thank you! :)

Now that I have thousands of views and readers, Rest assured that I will still continue to provide Good Quality Reviews even if I only have one reader will still continue to give my best and write from my heart cheers!!,

Again Thank you so much! God Bless you all!

Yours truly,
Vanity room PH

( if you have questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment or send me an email at and I will write a response for sure. )
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