Maintain that Youthful Glow and Good Mood with ATC Evening Primrose

Week ago I received an email asking me to join the ATC Campaign. When I heard the word ATC, "Seriously when I'm reading emails or other articles, I'm hearing a whisper when I read something familiar. It's like flashing back from my memories." Then I remembered that I was once a fan of their ATC Garlic oil and Grape seed Oil. Yes! I used to take those supplements and I used to buy at The Generics Pharmacy and I'm telling you the products are effective. So without thinking twice, I accepted the campaign. So today is a review specially dedicated to my female readers, though men can read this too since learning new things has no gender. :)

Though it’s a little bit hard to stay on top of things when it’s that time of the month. Debilitating lower abdomen pain and acne breakouts try to bring you down and out. Experiences may range from mild inconvenience to severe bouts of assorted symptoms, but all girls can agree that it is something to worry about. Get back on top of the world with ATC Evening Primrose.

ATC Evening Primrose relieves premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and breast tenderness associated with the menstrual cycle. It also helps alleviate hot flashes caused by menopause and reduces symptoms of eczema and dermatitis.



Evening Primrose has been called the most sensational preventive discovery since vitamin C. It contains the pain relieving compound phenylalanine and is increasingly being used to treat chronic headaches. It is currently being studied all over the world as a treatment for aging problems, alcoholism, acne, heart disease, hyperactivity in children, symptoms of menopause, multiple sclerosis, weight control, obesity, PMS and schizophrenia. It has so many preventive and therapeutic qualities that it has become a standard part of recommendations of many herbalists for maintaining youth and preventing disease.

Supplement Facts:
Evening Primrose Oil     487.5 mg.
Vitamin E                      12.5 mg.

-as dietary supplement, take 1 softgels 3 times a day, after meals with warm water

Where to Buy?
Mercury Drug and all leading Drugstore nationwide

How much?
P6.00 per soft gel ( yes it's affordable ) also available in a bottle of 100 soft gels

Benefits of taking ATC Evening Primrose:

Menopausal symptoms - treat hot flashes associated with menopause

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - ease breast tenderness and feelings of depression as well as irritability and swestiffness bloating from fluid retention.

Mastalgia - reduce breast pain and tenderness in people with cyclic mastalgia.

Osteoporosis - increase in bone density since they have less levels of essential fatty acids

Breast cancer - One study found that women with breast cancer who took GLA had a better response to tamoxifen (a drug used to treat estrogen-sensitive breast cancer) than those who took only tamoxifen.

Allergies, cold, flu, and immunity – some folks use it for allergies. And women and children who are prone to allergies appear to have lower levels of GLA in breast milk and blood. Assists the immune system, building resistance to minor upper respiratory conditions including allergies.
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

(ADHD) - have lower levels of essential fatty acids (EFAs), both omega-6s and omega-3s. EFAs are important to normal brain and behavioral function.

Diabetic neuropathy - reduce symptoms of nerve pain

Nourish nails, scalp, and hair - prevents nail from cracking and also helps to keep them generally healthy. In addition, it nourishes the scalp, making the supplement potentially valuable in treating a variety of hair problems.

Rheumatoid arthritis – may reduce pain, swelling, and morning stiffness.

Eczema, High blood pressure (Hypertension) - outperforms a placebo in relieving eczema-related inflammation, as well as the itching, oozing, and flaking associated with this condition. Helps maintain normal healthy blood pressure in healthy people.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms - prevents withdrawal symptoms such as depression and seizures

Final Thoughts:

I have lots of female friends who have common problems during that time of the month, they're having acne breakout, headaches, hormonal imbalances and nerve pains. This is the product that I'll recommend for them, why? Because I've tried and tested ATC Products.
To be honest, I will let my mom and sisters use this product as it promises more than you can expect in a six peso soft gel specially my mom is now suffering from menopausal symptoms. She'll surely like the effects of Evening Primrose, the product is very promising and it came from a reliable manufacturer. So what are you girls waiting for?  Break free and run the world with the help of ATC Evening Primrose.


The views and statement above are based on my personal opinion and honest understanding about the product, Yes I received some goodies from ATC but  I  am not being paid by ATC to write this review, I joined the campaign because I tried and tested some ATC products and  I think this Evening Primrose is very promising, I decided to post it on my blog because  I have female readers, female friends, mom and my sisters who might be suffering from the said symptoms.
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