VitaVanity Giveaway Winners

The hardest part of every giveaway is to choose the winners. Certainly, all of you guys have shown so much effort participating our giveaway. The winners I've chosen are the most active on our social media channels and here on our blog. They keep on commenting and joining some discussions. For those who didn't win, don't worry because we'll have another giveaway for the month of June. That's a promise. 😊

Congratulations to:

Please send me your shipping details in our FB Fan Page within 24 hours. Otherwise, I'll select another winner/s.

I wanna express my sweet thanks and warmest hug to you guys for supporting my blog. I love you all. As I've said, we'll have another contest next month. If possible, I wanna make it every month. I think we'll have glutathione capsules again for June GIVEAWAY. You like that? I may not be a rich blogger who can giveaway fancy stuff anytime but rest assured that I am doing my best and what I can just to share you simple things that I'm having. 😊

Again, thank you all and to God alone be all the Glory!  ğŸ˜Š ❤
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