5 Ways to Get Fairer Skin

First off, I am not some sort of skin expert or what not. I am writing this article based on my personal experience on the whitening products that I've tried and the best practices that I am doing to achieve fairer skin. Having that said, here are the things that I am doing to achieve if not fairer at least a good complexion. 😊

Note: You don't need to spend thousands of pesos just to achieve a whiter teeth. (Toothbrush  dude! Toothbrush!) Oh what I mean is whiter skin haha. 😂

1. Whitening Soap

This is really the number one in my list. I have lots of whitening soap reviews (Feel free to browse my blog.) Whitening soap is a must have in my everyday bathing routine. I know you all have your own favorites. Or if you haven't tried one yet, go ahead and visit Watsons or Mercury drugstore because they sell different brands of whitening soaps. You can pick Kojic or Glutathione based soaps. One of the most effective ways is leaving it on your skin while gently massaging it for 5 minutes before rinsing. That way, you're allowing the ingredients of the soap to penetrate deep down to your skin. Make sure to test the product first because most of the whitening soaps today are harsh. You just need to adjust the time of soaking depending on the sensitivity of your skin. Also, you need to keep in mind that using whitening soap is a little or too much drying so make sure to have..

2. Whitening Lotion

I used to hate putting on lotion because of that sticky feeling it gives but I've learned to embrace it for the sake of whitening haha. Also, there are tons of non-sticky lotions available in the market today. You can check the best whitening lotions I've tried by clicking here. Whitening lotions will not only whiten our skin but it will also give enough moisture that our skin needed. Applying body lotions can also reduce stress because of the fact that you're massaging it on your skin and that amazing fragrance helps in relaxing our mind. In line with this, you'll also be needing a sunblock and that's very important in maintaining your skin as fair as possible. A lotion with at least SPF 25 is a great choice.

3. Body Scrubs

Exfoliation is very important too in cell regeneration. When old skin cells start to pile up on the surface of our skin, it leaves our skin looking dry, dull and rough. Furthermore, dead skin cells can result clogged pores and excessive oil. Having a pouch or a bottle of your favorite scrub will solve the problem. It is also a good practice to start scrubbing your feet in circular motion going up to your legs, arms and chest. Why? Because doing so can help improve blood circulation and reduce the tension of our nerves. Oh Pak! Did you know that? Haha. You'll love that smooth baby skin after every scrub. Please note that you can only do exfoliation twice a week because doing more than that can lead to excessive skin dryness.

4. Glutathione Pills (optional)

Clearly, doing the above mentioned stuff can help you achieve whiter skin. However, taking glutathione pills can help you achieve whiter skin faster. Plus plus plus! It has tons of great benefits like detoxification and stronger immune system. Glutathione works to clear the body of free radicals and toxins that can lead to common skin problems like hyperpigmentation, melasma and sun spots. I also have lots of good glutathione brand reviews. Just click on the search box above and type glutathione.

5. Always Bring your Umbrella

Protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun plays a big role in maintaining your skin as fair as possible. That includes using of sunblock and of course using an umbrella. No further explanation about this you just need it haha. I have a 3 folds umbrella which is so handy and durable. I got mine from Fibrella. I highly recommend that brand because they offer quality and trendy umbrellas.

So there! I know you're all familiar with the things mentioned above and it may sound cliche for you to read it but this article is aiming to share the best practices that I am doing so that we can relate to each other.

Thank you for reading. Follow me on our social media channels for more review updates and giveaways. You can also message me if you have questions so see you there!

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