Live a Smarter Life with SmartLife

Smart Communications Inc. recently introduced their newest logo. Some aren't liking it and some think it's better. Well for me it's SOME! Hahaha I mean awesome! I like the new design because it's simpler and iconic. In line with this, Smart also launched their newest mobile application called SmartLife. Hmmm sounds interesting huh! Let's go ahead and enter the world of SmartLife. Can I be your tour guide for a minute or two? Yes? Ok go! 😂


Where to buy?
Google Play

How much?
FREE! Yey! 😊

I got so excited when I heard that Smart will be launching a new mobile app aiming to make our life cooler. What? Yes cooler like where you put your drinks hahaha 😂 funny funny funny (I am talking to myself lol). Seriously it's aiming to give us perks and more fun. First, let me teach you how to sign up for SmartLife. This is actually no-brainer but let me show you still.

First off, you need to download the app on Google Play, just search for SmartLife  (make sure not to put space between smart and life because you'll be having trouble finding it I swear). Once installed, it's time for you to sign up.

You can choose to use your Facebook or Google Plus if you have one to sign up. Make sure you have your Facebook app open so you can authorize SmartLife to use your information on Facebook. Then you're done! 😊

Now that you have successfully signed up, you might be wondering what are the things we can do with SmartLife? Come on! Let's enter the app. Wait! Are you gonna fit in? Chos! I've downloaded mine so I can maybe share to you how cool it is. 😁

With SmartLife you can:

Enjoy eating out or have some awesome shopping with your friends.  You just need to click the first tab labeled as PERKS it goes like this:

For you to avail free stuff and discounts from your favorite restaurants, online retailers and other cool brands & services.

You can also instantly watch video clips and movies inside SmartLife. You just need to tap the second tab labeled as VIDEOS.

Look how you can instantly access your favorite TV series on your Android device. Awesome isn't it?

I love listening music specially while I'm on my way to work. I can do that too with SmartLife. See the tab labeled as MUSIC? Just tap it!

In this feature, you can listen to new and chart-topping songs available in Smart Music (powered by Spinnr). Wow that's huge men!

Your Android experience wouldn't be complete without games. SmartLife wants to make you happy and cool right? So they also put exciting games for you on the fourth and last tab labeled as GAMES.

In this tab, you can purchase game ePINs for Steam, Sony Playstation Network & other games (charged to your Smart mobile number).

So there! If you wanna explore more and know more about it, you just need to click the Menu tab and tap FAQs. 😊

By the way, I forgot to tell that it's not yet available for iPhone users. Don't worry because they'll for sure make it available soon. I'll update this guys ok? I'm currently using the app and I'm honestly enjoying the Music and Games thingy because they're my pastime. 😊

I'm actually listening to music while posting this blog post haha. 👍

Thank you for bringing this wonderful app Smart! More power!

This is not a sponsored review. I wasn't paid to create this article. I just found the app cool and I thought you might want to download it too because it's free and so damn amazing! 😊
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