Dearberry Coco's Secret Recipe Mask Pack Review

My makeup tutorial for men using Dearberry products is continually receiving great responses and views from you guys (thank you!). In just a few days, the said tutorial has been included in my readers' favorites (based on readers views). Because I can sense that you want more, here's another review from Dearberry.

Dearberry Coco's Secret Recipe Mask Pack

The Dearberry Coco's Secret Recipe comes in five variants (honey, potato, milk, yam and pumpkin). These healthy and delicious mask packs are super foods for our skin.

Where to buy?

How much?
P550.00 (1 huge tub)

First off, I wanna tell you the benefits of each flavors (flavors??? Hahaha) each variants:

Yam [Moisturizing and Nourishing]
It supplies rich, and balanced nutrition for your rough, and loose skin.

Potato [Moisturizing and Calming]
It releases heat from your skin, relax stress, and applied very softly.

Honey [Elasticity and Vitalizing]
The propolis of honey gives your skin the elasticity and vitality you always wanted.

Milk [Dead Cells Care]
It removes dead skin cells and make clear looking skin. It also nourish and moisture the skin.

Pumpkin  [Brightening Care]
With its pumpkin complex, it moisturize the skin to make it look clearer and brighter.

I've got 4 trial packs (Milk, Potato, Pumpkin and Honey). I used the Potato variant first and I was literally amazed. It smells pretty mild and relaxing. The appearance and texture are very similar to mashed potatoes (literally) haha.

I felt its cooling effect the moment it touched my skin. It also feels like I'm applying a primer because of its silicon-y texture which made my application easy and enjoyable. I chose this variant because my skin really need its benefits. Aside from the moisturizing and calming it gives, potatoes also help in making our skin brighter, blemish free and smoother because of its natural bleaching agent (vitamin c). Moreover , potatoes also help in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and dark under-eyes.

I just applied the pack right after toning and waited for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. I immediately saw its great effect after rinsing. My skin is more moisturized and the redness were gone. Not to mention that my skin feels squeaky-clean after rinsing.

Emote emote muna hahahaha 😂

What I like:

• Smell (nice and mild)

• Texture  (it feels like you're touching a mashed potatoes)
• Appearance (very pleasant specially the packaging)
• True to its promise  (it really works)
• Came from a trusted brand (Dearberry)
• More variants  (can cater different skin needs)
• Easy to use and rinse

What I don't like:

• Only available in one tub (hope they can produce a small container for a lower price or like the ones in sachets)

Update: The trial packs (like what I've got) are available at P10 per sachet. Wow! Super affordable. Now let's add that on the things I like! 😄

All in all, I enjoyed using Coco's Secret Recipe Potato Mask Pack and its benefits. I still have 3 variants to try and I'll keep you guys updated on the comment box below. I'll write a mini review of each variants there once I'm done using so you better keep posted guys! 😊

This is not a sponsored review. Yes, I received some products from Dearberry during their Bloggers con and it's up to me if I want to make a review and feature it on my blog. You know how I love sharing you amazing and super budget friendly product reviews and I just want a full disclosure. 😊

Thank you for reading. Follow me on our social media channels for more review updates and giveaways. You can also message me if you have questions so see you there!

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