VitaPack 4 in 1 Coffee Collagen Review

As we age, our systems produce less collagen. This usually starts in our mid 20s causing our skin to sag, wrinkle and get dryer. Luckily, there are countless ways to reverse or combat aging. One of the most effective ways is to take collagen supplements.

I know it's sometimes boring to take capsules or tablets and we most of time tend to forget to take those because they weren't included in our daily routine.
How about a collagen in a flavorful cup of coffee? Uyyy.. I know you'll forget to brush your teeth but you'll never forget to take a cup of hot coffee every morning hahaha. See you're smiling because it's true. 😊

VitaPack 4 in 1 Coffee Collagen

VITAPACK 4-in-1 Coffee Collagen is a Collagen powder in a 3-in-1 coffee drink that helps you get glowing, young-looking skin while you take your daily coffee.

Key Ingredients:
• 7000mg of Marine Collagen in a delicious coffee drink with no fishy taste, unlike other collagen drinks.
• L-hydroxyproline to stabilize and keep intact the collagen protein structure for long-lasting younger looking skin.
• Hyaluronic acid to keep moisture in skin.

Where to buy?

How much?
P777.00 (7 SACHETS)

How to prepare? 
Mix 1 sachet of VitaPack 4 in 1 Coffee Collagen to a cup of hot water. Stir and enjoy.

I was once a coffeemaker I mean a coffeeholic hahaha coffeemaker?? 😂😂 However, my doctor advised me to minimize my intake of coffee because of my acid reflux and it also triggers panic attack. Yes, I have panic disorder and I'm fighting it everyday. When I received this VitaPack Collagen Coffee, it makes me sad because as much as I would love to drink this everyday, I'm afraid I can't because of the things mentioned above.

Since my mom is a coffeeholic and a little vain like me (she keep on telling me that I'm more vain than her haha), I gave her the VitaPack 4 in 1 Coffee Collagen. I asked her to take it once a day and she immediately asked if she can take two cups per day and I said yes. I've told her to observe the product and see if it's effective or not. (Gave her 30 sachets)

A week later, she called me to tell that she's loving the coffee so much because according to her, it smells so good and tastes so yummy. After two weeks, I Skyped her and out of nowhere, she opened the topic about the said coffee. She told me that it makes her feel so young and blooming each day. So I asked her if she observed any side effects like palpitations, heartburn or hyperacidity and she answered no. In fact, it makes her bowel movement better.

My mom doesn't have much wrinkles yet but she told me that she looks glowing and younger after finishing 30 sachets of VitaPack 4 in 1 Coffee Collagen. I asked her permission if I can post her picture here but she refused to. So sorry guys hehe my mom is camera-shy. 😂

All in all, I highly recommend VitaPack 4 in 1 Coffee Collagen to you guys. Tho I didn't try it personally, I believe in my moms testimony and I trust her. She's the most frank and honest person I know, I swear! hehe.

You don't need to be old to take collagen supplements, you can start in your mid 20s to maintain that evergreen beauty and wellness.

Thank you for reading. Follow me on our social media channels for more review updates and giveaways. You can also message me if you have questions so see you there!

Facebook: Vanity Room PH
Instagram: @MJamesPerez

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