My BeautyMNL Shopping Experience + Haul

Hello my #VanityFriends! Today, I am here to share you another online shopping experience of mine. I know you're enjoying this kind of segment here in our awesome blog so I keep on doing it. Luckily, BeautyMNL contacted me to test their online shop and share you my shopping experience. We both agreed that whatever my experience may be, I'll share it to you transparently like what I always do because you deserve the best and the truth! <3

My BeautyMNL Shopping Experience + Haul

Passion, inspiration, and just a touch of awesome science—this is our approach to the business of beauty. Because we aren’t just beauty enthusiasts—we’re advocates for the appreciation of your own personal look. Who else could tell you more about beauty than someone who understands you through and through? We can’t wait for you to start your beauty journey with us! - BeautyMNL

My purchases:
Wet N' Wild Coverall Cream Foundations
Dove Bar Soap Fresh Moisture
BEe Organic Bath & Body Insect Repellent Spray

Where to buy?
Facebook: BeautyMNL
Instagram: @BeautyMNL

How much?
Wet N' Wild Coverall Cream Foundations: P399.00
Dove Bar Soap Fresh Moisture: P48.00
Be Organic Bath & Body Insect Repellent Spray: P110.00

I didn't experience any troubles navigating their online shop because of the detailed menu available in every pages of their website. Look how you can easily select and look for the products you would like to buy:

Aside from their functional menus, they also have these sections in their online shop to help you decide what product to buy. They're called Bloom the Magazine and Reviews. If you are like me who read a lot before hitting the add to cart button, their magazine is something you'll surely love. Look how chic and fancy looking their Online Magazine is:

I was shocked because my order has arrived in less than 24 hours. Yes! You heard it right! I placed my order around 8PM and the next morning before lunch, my order was delivered in my shipping address. How cool is that? Dude! That's even cooler than my air-con this summer haha. Literally it's so hot and my air-con is having a hard time to remain cool. :D

My orders were delivered in a cute transparent plastic that says: "Finally, a beauty destination for you." Though it's transparent, there's a paper cover inside to wrap the items. Not to mention that all of the products were carefully embraced by a bubble wrap.

I purchased two Wet N' Wild Coverall Cream Foundation because I am not sure with the shade. To be sure, I've got the Light/Medium and Medium colors. It has a medium to full coverage and a light texture. I'll make a full detailed reviewed for you soon.

I also bought this Be Organic Bath & Body Insect Repellent Spray because I am eyeing for one since last year. This is something I can really use specially when I'm in my province. It has a nice organic smell. Though it's an oil spray, it's not sticky on skin. Speaking of spray, its sprayer is a bomb because it releases the product very widely.

I mentioned to you on my vlogs and other blog posts that I always have a moisturizing soap in my shower so I bought this Dove Bar Soap Fresh Moisture. Its fragrance is really refreshing which is perfect for this summer. I just hope that it is as moisturizing as their original variant.

To be honest, I highly recommend shopping at  BeautyMNL. Aside from their sweet and quirky customer service, they also offer wide range of products, sales, and promotions. Just like what I've said, if you are the type of person who loves to read before buying, this will be your home. I just hope they can lower the amount you need to spend to be qualified for a FREE shipping. Anyway, their shipping fee is way cheaper than the other online stores out there. And oh! Another thing I wish they have is a page or a specific line of products for men. Men are vain too, we are beautiful too so just like Sephora, Althea Korea, and Zalora, I wish they have a page dedicated for men. :)

The biggest thing here that I'd like to specify is shopping at BeautyMNL gives you the peace of mind that you'll be getting an authentic product. Specially if you want to buy makeups that are only available abroad, they have it! There are a lot of fake sellers and scammers around the net so be careful guys. That's it for today and for sure, I'll share you more good finds and amazing deals from BeautyMNL in the next months so stay tuned. :)

Thank you for reading. Follow me on our social media channels for more review updates and giveaways. You can also message me if you have questions so see you there!

Facebook: Vanity Room PH
Instagram: @MJamesPerez

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