#VanityRealQuick: Is it necessary to take Vitamin C while taking Glutathione?

Yes! We are back for the second episode of #VanityRealQuick wherein I'll answer the frequently asked questions in just a minute or two. For our 2nd session, I will answer the question: Is it necessary to take Vitamin C while taking Glutathione? I know you are excited to know the answer so let's just jump right into it!

Question: Is it necessary to take Vitamin C while taking Glutathione?

Answer: Yes and no! No, if you are acidic like me because most of the glutathiones nowadays already containing vitamin c in them so there's no need for you to take a separate vitamin c. However, if you want a faster result, the answer is Yes! Vitamin C is necessary because it helps our system to absorb the oral glutathione we are taking effectively. Also, it tells our system to produce more natural glutathione to make our skin appear whiter and smoother.

I also made a 2 minute video about this question. You may watch it here:

Disclaimer: The views and statement on the video/blog are solely based on my experience and research. Please take it with a pinch of salt. It's still best to consult your doctor specially if you're under special medication. 👍

Thank you for reading. Follow me on our social media channels for more review updates and giveaways. You can also message me if you have questions so see you there!

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