A Call for Responsible Blogging

Three years ago, this humble blog started to showcase not only my knowledge about beauty products but also my lifestyle as a simple "Promdi" working in the busy city of Manila. I never thought that my passion in sharing my reviews and thoughts about different skincare products will also make my life an open book. Sharing your life to other people isn't an easy task, in fact, people can use it to hurt you and know your weaknesses. However, it didn't hinder me because my passion to talk and to share prevailed.

After all the hard works and challenges which I can describe as a roller coaster ride, here I am now, still doing what I love (blogging) and enjoying it. Well, there are challenges still but my experiences made me stronger. I cannot afford to surrender and bring my half a million (unique and returning visitors) every month down.

Bragging aside, for the last four months, we are receiving half a million monthly traffic consistently. It's not some sort of digits to brag, for me, it's just a reminder that I'm doing the right thing and I feel so blessed that God has given me the talent of being talkative haha.

With that huge number of visitors monthly, it's really important for me to be responsible and credible enough in every article that I'm writing. One piece of advice from my favorite beauty blogger (kikaysikat) that I'm still holding up until today is to write from your heart. It has been my foundation and reminder whenever I'm losing track and in times of confusion. Thank you so much momshie (The Macho Mom or Kikaysikat) for inspiring me. I'll be forever grateful. ❤️

Now, I have been receiving a lot of emails and messages too from random aspiring bloggers asking for advice. Well, I guess it's the perfect time for me to elaborate more and share you what I've learned in this industry.

It may sound cliche but I can confidently say that being yourself is thel best weapon you wanna have once you hit the keyboard and start sharing your life and adventures online. It has been my nicotine since I started blogging full time. Sounds easy right? But along the way, you'll surely lose track, you'll receive offers to post some fake news, some brands will approach you to promote their products and instruct you to tell people that it's effective even if you haven't tried their products yet, and more tempting offers that will make you forget the very reason why you're blogging so it is important to remain being yourself. Those offers are damn good because hello! Who doesn't want money right? But to be honest, I have never entertained a single offer like that. Yes, it's tempting but I can proudly say that my principles and passion in blogging makes me richer than accepting those pretentious offers.

You might be wondering why am I sharing these things to you? Well, in this world full of fake news and false advertisements, I am encouraging aspiring bloggers, my fellow bloggers, and social media influencers to remain truthful and honest in every posts we're making. Let the flame in our hearts be our guide towards responsible blogging. ❤️
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